5 Steps to Choosing the Perfect Classroom Theme

Cover photo of five steps to choosing the perfect classroom theme!

Choosing a classroom theme is a big decision that overwhelms a lot of teachers, but it doesn’t need to be complicated or overwhelming. It should be something that you’re confident about, and something that you and your students are going to love all year long!

You spend so much of your life in your classroom, so why not make it a space that excites you and makes you look forward to coming to work each day? Choosing the right classroom theme can do that for you! There are so many options and things to think about when choosing a classroom theme, so let’s make it simple and help you choose a theme you’ll love for years!

Perfect Classroom Theme Step 1: Think About Your Physical Space

Walk to the front of your classroom and observe. Turn around and look at the back of your room. What do you see? What do you have to work with? What needs to be covered? What can be decorated? Where is your desk located? Do you have tables or desks? Do you have shelves or closets? Do you have a cubby hall? Is there a big space to place a rug for morning meetings?

Examining each section of your classroom can help when trying to determine your classroom theme! You can envision what items might look amazing in the space and help transform your blank canvas of a classroom into a beautiful masterpiece!

For example, in the front of my classroom, I have a Smart Board, two blackboards, and a corkboard above my Smart Board. Once you know your space, you can think begin planning. In my case, used fabric to cover the boards, and I knew I wanted to print posters with inspiring quotes that would match my classroom theme.

I also had a big cubby hall with a blank wall. I knew I could easily use that space to display something that matches my classroom theme! Some words of encouragement? Some fun and vibrant posters? If your school allows, maybe I could paint something on that wall? I painted a wall for my first Classroom Makeover and it was just magical! Knowing how much space you need to fill and what you’re working with is great to keep in mind when choosing what you want that space to look like.

During my Nature Classroom Makeover, I saw the classroom’s beautiful window space and I knew I had to make it special! Seeing the green trees inspired me to pick a nature classroom theme! I used the nature classroom theme throughout that area by adding a banner that matches the color scheme, using labels that have nature items on them, and even adding a campfire nook for a great reading spot! 

An image of my nature classroom transformation before I added my decor items.
An image of the classroom makeover with my nature decor bundle items!

Once you know your space well, you’re ready for step 2 – looking online for inspiration!

Perfect Classroom Theme Step 2: Search Online

The best way to get inspiration for a classroom theme is by searching online! Look on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and Google to get ideas! See what sticks out to you and what you like! You might notice a pattern of colors or styles you want! You can even check out what decor bundles are available on my website, Teachers Pay Teachers or Amazon

Here are some video tutorials of things I searched when trying to decide on a classroom theme! Check out My Pinterest Page

If you’re looking for more inspiration, checkout my Instagram page to see if there’s anything that inspires you or matches perfectly with your decoraiton style!

I also suggest searching “classroom theme” or “classroom decor” on Instagram to help you find even more ideas for picking the perfect classroom theme! 

Perfect Classroom Theme Step 3: Pick a Budget

All teachers – especially first-year teachers – do not break the bank! You can easily spend hundreds or thousands creating the classroom of your dreams, but you do not have to! Go slow! Consider your budget (some schools give you money to spend on your classroom each year, but many do not) and find decor that will fit that price.

Digital download bundles are lovely because you can use them year after year without spending any money after the initial purchase. You may need to invest money in printing the products, but you’ll love being able to print unlimited copies for your classroom after a student rips their nameplate or something else on the wall! You’ll save so much money in the long run, and won’t ever regret something ripping or breaking.

As a teacher myself I’ve always been committed to providing great value and affordable bundles to help you transform your classroom into a home away from your home. I want to give you something that you’ll love all year long!

Before you go buying physical classroom decor, think about the items you already own! What furniture pieces do you already own to help create your home away from home? Do you have any extra rugs, pillows, shelves, or mirrors you could use to accessorize your classroom?

After you save money by using stuff you already have, keep the momentum going and checkout some of my favorite places to save money! I have taken so many trips to the Dollar Tree for classroom bins and other items. I’ve also found some amazing items at Goodwill – don’t spend more money than you need to!

Be sure to pick a budget and stick to it! Every year, you can add items to your classroom! It is a slow process, but eventually, you will have everything you need to make your classroom a dream come true!

Perfect Classroom Theme Step 4: Determine Your Design Style

When picking a classroom theme, you want to think about your design style! What colors do you like? What trends are you into? What patterns or accents make you happy? Do you want something bright and bold or more calm and neutral?

You want to make sure you pick a theme with a design style you enjoy! You will be looking at the classroom theme all year long, so you want to ensure it is something you will love!!

If you do not know your design style, have no fear! I created a short quiz for you to unlock your interior designer!!! The quiz is your guide in determining what colors, styles, and vibe you want in your room. It is a perfect starting point to kick off your classroom makeover while finding the perfect classroom theme!

Image and link to the perfect classroom theme quiz!

The quiz only takes 4-6 questions and leads to something that is custom made for you! On the results page you’ll even find a discount code for your bundle! Use the savings to buy yourself a fun coffee treat while you’re setting up your classroom!

Perfect Classroom Theme Step 5: Find an All-Inclusive Bundle

An image of the Confetti and Creativity decor bundles available online.

Finding items that perfectly coordinate with your classroom theme can be challenging! For example, you might find a poster with a beautiful quote! You think it would look amazing in your classroom, but it doesn’t match your color scheme or have images that match your classroom theme! There’s nothing worse than trying to piece together a lot of different items and never having them match!

The best way to create a cohesive classroom theme is by using decor bundles! Decor bundles take out all the hard work by giving you a one product that is cohesive for your entire room.

My goal in designing the bundles is for you to sit back, hit print, and watch your classroom come to life! I thought about all the necessary items teachers use daily and put them into the bundle, all while matching your classroom theme! Your agenda plans, cart labels, and binder covers can all coordinate and be in beautiful unison!

You can check out my decor bundles or start with the quiz I mentioned earlier to help get your creative juices flowing! Both resources are great ways to help you pick the perfect classroom theme!


Finding the perfect classroom theme doesn’t have to be complicated! Consider your classroom’s physical space, determine a budget you can stick to, and look online for inspiration! Those simple steps can ease you down a bright, sparkly road full of classroom decor ideas!

What do you first think about when picking a classroom theme?! I would love to hear what you do!