This classroom calendar set has everything you need to set up your classroom calendar! Your classroom calendar will be complete with month, day, and days of the week cards and so many other things!
The calendar cards measure roughly 3.4” x 3.4” and were designed to be used with the Scholastic Pocket Chart linked in this blog.
On top of the calendar pack, this product includes a flip calendar, weather cards, and Holiday Cards. In total 121 cards are included for holidays and special school events so that you can keep your kids updated on all the special things coming up. Lastly, “Today is”, “Yesterday Was”, and “Tomorrow Will Be” cards are included with days of the week.
What’s Included
-Pocket chart cards for months, days of the week, and dates
-58 different school event calendar cards (2 designs for each holiday)
-49 different holiday calendar cards (2 designs for each holiday)
-6 different Australian holiday calendar cards (2 designs for each holiday)
-8 different Canadian holiday calendar cards (2 designs for each holiday)
-Blank text-editable Holiday card file so you can add your own clipart to create your own holiday cards
-12 different weather cards
-Cards for Today is, Seasons, and Specials
-Text editable files for calendar cards, holiday cards, and weather cards
-Embedded fonts in all editable files so you can have your custom created cards match the premade cards
School Event Calendar Cards Included (58): Autumn begins, Fall begins, Winter begins, Summer begins, 50th day of school, 100th day of school, 120th day of school, first day of school, last day of school, half day, early dismissal, no school, Fall break, Winter break, Spring break, Summer Break, teacher work day, assembly, awards, book fair, career day, class party, election day, family fun night, field day, field trip, fun run, graduation, guest teacher, mystery reader, no hot lunch, picture day, project due, red ribbon week, school carnival, school concert, science fair, special event, “Happy Birthday”, conferences, meet the teacher, open house, report cards, test day (x2), crazy hair day, donuts with dad, hat day, muffins with mom, pajama day, show and tell, silly sock day, spirit week, sports day, superhero day, twin day, Hawaiian day.
Holiday Calendar Cards Included (49): April Fool’s Day, Arbor Day, Chinese New Year, Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, Cinco de Mayo, Columbus Day, Daylight’s Savings begins, Daylights Savings ends, Dia de Muertos, Diwali, Earth Day, Easter, Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, Election Day, Father’s Day, 4th of July, Good Friday, Grandparents Day, Groundhog Day, Halloween, Hanukkah begins, Indigenous People’s Day, Juneteenth, Kwanza begins, Labor Day, Leap Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Lunar New Year, Mardi Gras, MLK Day, May Day, Memorial Day, Mother’s Day, New Year’s Day, New Year’s Eve, Passover, Patriot Day, President’s Day, Ramadan begins, Rosh Hashanah, St. Patrick’s Day, Sukkot, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Washington’s Birthday, Yom Kippur
Australian Holiday Calendar Cards Included (6): ANZAC Day, Australia Day, Boxing Day, Labour Day, Queen’s Day, Remembrance Day
Canadian Holiday Calendar Cards Included (8): Boxing Day, Canada Day, Family Day, Labour Day, March Break, Remembrance Day, Terry Fox Run, Victoria Day
Weather Cards Included (12): Sunny (x2), rainy, snowy, cloudy, stormy, hot, cold, windy, partly cloudy, warm, cool
I designed this calendar pack to match my Modern Neutrals Classroom Decor Bundle. The collection was inspired by a modern twist on a neutral classroom with a beautiful four color color palette and touches of modern design elements. You will love how this bundle makes your classroom look!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where can I find the right pocket chart to fit these cards?
I designed the calendar cards to go with the black Scholastic Pocket chart linked in this blog, but the cards will fit in any pocket calendar that measures roughly 3.5” x 3.5” for each date.
2. What does it mean if a file is editable?
A file that is editable is a Powerpoint file that allows you to change the text/font. It does not allow you to change the clipart, colors, or resize the product due to copyright restrictions.
3. What is an embedded font?
An embedded font is a specialized font that can be used as soon as you open the program in Powerpoint. An embedded font cannot be transferred to any external file, but allows you to create your own labels while keeping the look cohesive. Using the embedded font you can create the exact same look as in the preview picture without downloading any extra fonts.
4. What programs do I need to open and use this product?
I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program and can be downloaded here. The editable files can be edited in Google Slides, but I highly recommend Powerpoint to ensure compatibility – many of the embedded fonts do not transfer to Google Slides. If you don’t have Powerpoint, here is a link to a free one month trial of the program.
5. Where can I find more classroom inspiration?
I would love to connect and see all the ways that you’re transforming your classroom to be a home away from home! I’m always blown away by the creativity of teachers and the great classroom environments you create. Be sure to follow me on the following social media platforms for classroom inspiration, updates, and to tag me with your beautiful classrooms.
6. What are your terms of use?
Purchasing this product gives you lifetime access to a single classroom license. This means you can use it for your own classroom and print it out as many times as you’d like for your own personal use. You cannot share this file with a colleague in part or in whole without purchasing an additional license. In addition, you may not use any of the editable files to create files to sell as your own work. You may only use this product on a personal level and may not sell or resell this product in part or in whole as your own work.
7. What do I do if I’m experiencing technical difficulties?
If you have any issues, please email me at ConfettiandCreativityStore@gmail.com, and I’ll respond as quickly as possible 🙂